Saturday 10 September 2011


Did you know what is transition means???
From what had I learnt in class,TRANSITION SIGNALS in reading are words or phrases which are used to show how ideas are linked.Transition signal also directly tell the reader the logical relationship between one idea an another idea.Transition also are words that make your writing more coherent.They create connection between one clause and another clause,one sentence and another sentence and one group of sentences to another group of sentences.

There are many words that can be used as transition signal such as,HOWEVER ( tells the reader that the logical relationship between the two ideas is contrast.)FURTHERMORE ( to join to independent clauses is with a semicolon, a transition and a comma.) IN FACT ( tell the reader the logical relationship between two sentences)
There are many TRANSITION TYPES that I learnt in class..Here I got it from slide in class..

For relationship to addition The example are moreover.furthermore,besides and in addition.
For relationship to reinforcement or emphasis, the example are indeed or in fact.
For relationship to exemplification.The example are for example, for instance, in particular.
For relationship to contrast such as however,in contrast and on the other hand.
For result or effect,the example are thus,hence.therefore and others.
Lastly for time we use meanwhile,subsequently and thereafter.

That's all from now..  

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