Monday 5 September 2011

TissUE BoX...

Today is speaking day.Miss Zu has bring some stuff that will be our topic for that day.My group had choose TISSUE BOX as our stuff.Using this tissue box, we have to create our own drama and our drama's name is FRIENDSHIP.We try to make it a creative drama by make the tissue box turned to a variety function.There are CAMERA,TV,HANDPHONE,MIRROR and WALLET.

Do you want to take a look for the script.Here you go..

Hey..guys come look this.
What happen?
(watching football games)
(hand phone ringing Justin Bieber song.)
I got a called from my girlfriend
Hello is my birthday party
Can you invite our friends too.
(After all friends know about the party,they all see mirror)
(give present to birthdaay girl)
(cut cake)
(take a picture)
(go home)
(print the picture)
I hope that you can imagine what we do and all our action are based from the tissue box...see you soon...

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